General Conditions of Telefónica Innovación Digital Services

Last updated: 20 February 2025


These General Conditions of Use regulate the use of the different online services (hereinafter, the "Service(s)") provided by Telefónica Innovación Digital, S.L.U., a Spanish company belonging to the Telefónica Group, with Tax ID No. B83188953, registered office at Ronda de la Comunicación, s/n, Edificio Central, 28050, Madrid, and registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid in volume 42,773, folio 213, entry 79, page M-296237 (hereinafter, "TID" or "we"), through its website, as well as through the different web, mobile and/or desktop applications of its ownership that have been developed for each Service.

1. Acceptance and use

The acceptance, without reservation, of the present General Conditions of Use is indispensable for the use of the Service by any interested person, either in his/her own interest or because he/she is a person authorized by or representative of a Business Customer (as defined below) to use any of our Services (hereinafter, the "User(s)"). In this sense, the User declares to have read, understood and accepted the present General Conditions of Use prior to accessing and using the Service.

These General Terms of Use will be available to Users of the Services, at all times, through the corresponding  web portal, mobile and/or desktop application (hereinafter, collectively, the "Application(s)") where the Service is hosted or can be used , as well as through the website of the TU environment services provided by TID.

These General Conditions of Use shall apply to all TID Services, including, but not limited to, the services provided through, in the different contracting modalities available.

The use of the Service is also subject to any notices, regulations of use and technical instructions made known to the User by TID, by any means and at any time.

In the event that the User does not agree with these General Conditions of Use, the User must not use the Service.

2. Use of Services by Business Customer

The Services may be contracted and/or used, in their different modalities, by a natural person for personal use or a legal entity (hereinafter, the "Business Customer").

The use of the Services by the Business Customer is also subject to the provisions of these General Conditions of Use. References made therein to the User shall be understood, where appropriate, to be made to the Business Customer and/or representative or authorized users (for example: employees of Business Customers).

The User who contracts the Services on behalf of the Business Customer directly through TID, or through the various distributors authorized by TID, assumes the subscription of these General Terms and Conditions of Use in the name and on behalf of the Business Customer, declaring to have capacity and power of attorney or, otherwise, sufficient authorization to that end by the Business Customer.

3. Description and Particular Conditions of Use of each Service

TID has a portfolio of Services that are subject to these General Conditions of Use, each with a different scope and purpose.

The characteristics, functionalities and contracting modalities of each Service, as well as the applicable prices and other associated services, can be consulted in the corresponding web page of the Service, as well as in the Application corresponding to each Service.

Likewise, depending on each Service, these General Conditions of Use may be supplemented by certain Special Conditions, which will be available, where appropriate, in the Applications of each Service. The applicable Special Conditions of Use will be complementary to these General Conditions of Use and will prevail over them in case of contradiction.

4. Access, download and installation of the Application and technical requirements

The Application of each Service that, if applicable, is available and developed by TID for mobile environments, may be downloaded from the official application stores of iOS and Android, depending on the geographical availability and the operating system of the compatible device on which it is intended to be installed.  Web environment Applications are available on the portal of each Service and/or through the access provided by TID once the Service has been contracted.

TID is under no obligation to update the Application, which is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis for use or download at any given time. The technical requirements for the installation and use of the Application will be available at all times in the aforementioned official application stores.

TID is not responsible for updating the Application and/or software updates that the User must perform on their devices to maintain compatibility with the Application, which is at their own risk. In addition, you should be aware that there may be certain applications or services that are incompatible with the Application, so they may not work, or may work in a different way, in case of their installation.

TID does not guarantee the reliability, validity or integrity of the equipment used to access the Application or the connectivity of the Users' devices through which it is accessed, over which it has no control and for which it cannot be held responsible for their operation.

5. Service registration and usage requirements

Without prejudice to the fact that the download and installation of the Applications may be free and free of charge for any user of the official iOS and Android application stores, as described in these General Conditions of Use, the User may only access the Application and use the Service if, previously, he/she has acquired said User status and, if applicable, has completed the registration process necessary for the creation of his/her credentials to access the Service, and/or has paid the subscription price of the Service.

To use the Service, the User must comply with the following conditions:

•    The User must be at least sixteen (16) years of age. The User must have sufficient capacity to contract and be a party bound by these General Conditions of Use;

•    The User must comply at all times with these General Conditions of Use, the Particular Conditions of each Service, the provisions of the applicable legislation and in particular the provisions of paragraph 6 of these General Conditions of Use

TID may establish or require additional security validations to access certain options and/or functionalities of the Applications. The User must take into account that some options and/or functionalities may only be available for certain payment methods of the Service.

TID reserves the right to suspend or cancel the Service, in whole or in part, at any time and without prior notice, if it detects or suspects that the User is in breach of any of these General Conditions of Use or any other applicable legal provision.

6.   Correct use of the Services and their contents

The User agrees to make reasonable use of the Service and the corresponding Application, as well as any other related services provided by TID.

The User undertakes to use diligently, correctly and in accordance with the Law, morality and generally accepted good customs and public order of any content available through the Service and the corresponding Application. The User shall be liable to TID and/or third parties eventually affected by any use that may cause damage or harm to them.

In the event that the Service includes a User account, the User is solely responsible for saving and protecting his or her credentials or passwords, as well as for not sharing them with anyone. If the User consults or transmits, through the Service, information that affects the rights of third parties, the User is solely responsible for obtaining the authorization of third parties for the use of such information. Likewise, the User is solely responsible for any disclosure by the User of any information related to the Service that infringes the rights of third parties and/or TID. The User shall hold TID and/or the third parties harmless for any breach of the foregoing.

The User is solely responsible for the consequences that the use of the Service may have on their devices, systems, networks or data. The User must take appropriate security measures to prevent or minimize possible damage or harm that may result from errors, defects, viruses, malware, spyware or other malicious programs or codes that may affect the Service or the documents encrypted or decrypted with it.


•    Damage, alter, interrupt or gain unauthorized access to TID or third party systems, networks, devices or data.

•    Create, distribute or introduce viruses, malware, spyware or other malicious software or code.

•    Engage in hacking, cracking, phishing, spoofing or similar activities.

•    Connect you, or in any way link you, to software that constitutes, promotes or provides access to espionage, hacking or any other program or code that in any way undermines the integrity of TID's products and services and computer security.

•    Illegal, fraudulent purposes or in any way linked to criminal acts.

•    Send spam or unsolicited messages, send, receive, upload, download or use any unlawful, offensive, abusive, malicious, threatening, indecent, defamatory, obscene, racist, or otherwise discriminatory or objectionable material or content.

•    Harassing, persecuting, persecuting, harassing, tormenting or in any way annoying a person, slandering, libeling, libeling, impersonating or impersonating another person.

•    Use it as a tool for business, marital, parental control, or any other form of unauthorized violation of privacy, security and/or personal, family or business intimacy, as well as to spy on and/or violate the secrecy of third party communications.

•    Infringe copyrights, trademarks, confidentiality, privacy or intellectual property rights of TID or third parties to carry out or encourage the sending of advertising, promotions, messages or unwanted mass communications. In this regard, the User agrees to refrain from: (a) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; (b) suppress, evade or manipulate the copyright and other data identifying the rights of the owners incorporated to the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints or any information mechanisms that may contain the contents; and (c) use the contents in a manner or with effects contrary to the Law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order.

•    Impersonating the identity of other persons or entities.

•    Use the Service to develop products and/or services that may compete with the Service used, except with the express written authorization of TID, which may require the User to enter into a specific agreement with TID. In any other way that infringes the rights of TID and/or third parties.

•    In the event that the User or Business Customer is sanctioned by an international sanctions program (OFAC, European Union or United Kingdom, among others) or, in the case of Business Customer, is an entity that is owned or controlled by entities or persons that are sanctioned by a sanctions program (OFAC, European Union or United Kingdom, among others).

The use of the Service for any of the purposes detailed above and, in general, for a purpose other than that for which it has been enabled and/or contrary to these General Conditions of Use, the Particular Conditions of each Service and/or the legislation in force, will imply the temporary or permanent blocking or cancellation as User of the Service, as the case may be, without prejudice to any action or claim that may correspond to TID and/or third parties eventually affected by the improper use.

Specifically, TID may limit the use or completely block the Service, and its corresponding Application, in the event that the User uses it in an improper or abusive manner or contrary to the proper use of the Service, including cases in which such use could represent a threat to the security or integrity of the communications network or that, in any other way, could affect the normal operation of such network or the rights of third parties. This shall be at the sole discretion of TID and without prior notice.

7.    Limitation of liability

The Service is provided "as is" described herein and on an "as available" basis, without warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to its performance, quality, security, reliability, accuracy or suitability for Users' needs or expectations.

TID does not warrant that the Service will be free of errors, interruptions, delays, loss or alteration of data, or that it is compatible with all devices, operating systems, browsers or networks. TID shall not be liable for any damages that may result from the use or inability to use the Service, whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special, including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, data, reputation, customers, opportunities or savings.

In the event that the User notices the existence of errors in the Service or its contents, failures or any other cause that could be detrimental to the normal operation of the same and / or the availability of them, you must notify TID immediately through the email address indicated in the section on customer service. Upon receipt of the notification, TID shall endeavor to resolve such defects, faults or errors as soon as possible.

TID shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the use of the Service, whether caused by errors, defects, viruses, malware, spyware or other malicious programs or codes, or by the loss or theft of Users' personal passwords.

TID is not responsible for any damages that may arise from the interaction of Users with other websites, services, applications or platforms that are linked or integrated with the Service, or that are accessible from it.

TID shall not be liable for any damages that may arise from the breach by Users of these General Conditions of Use, the privacy policy, the cookies policy or any other legal provision applicable to the Services used by the User.

The User shall be solely and exclusively liable for any damages that may be caused by the use of the Services that leads to a breach of the legislation in force and/or the obligations assumed under these General Conditions of Use, holding TID harmless against any judicial or extrajudicial claim related to breaches on his part, as well as any expense, damage, charge or obligation caused by such breaches.

In this regard, TID shall not be liable for infringements by any User that affect the rights of third parties, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, confidential information and any other intellectual or industrial property rights and/or other rights. TID may pass on to the User the amount of any penalty or compensation that it may have to pay for the aforementioned, without prejudice to the exercise of the appropriate legal actions.

In any event, TID's maximum liability for any claim related to the Service shall not exceed the amount the User has paid for the Service in the last twelve months, if applicable.

8.   Withdrawal and cancellation

TID reminds the User that he/she can uninstall the Application from his/her device at any time.

The mere uninstallation of the Application does not imply the cancellation as a User of the Application or of the services contracted with TID that allow the use of the Application. In the case of uninstalling the Application, the data may continue to be processed for the purposes described in these General Conditions of Use, as long as the cancellation of the account created for the use of the Application is not requested.

Likewise, Users are informed that, in general, the Services subject to a price or a paid subscription of a recurring nature do not offer any trial period. The User may contact TID through the means of contact established in these General Conditions of Use, to exercise the right of withdrawal available to him/her as a consumer, within 14 calendar days from the date of payment of the price of the Service, the subscription or its renewal. Once the right of withdrawal has been exercised and satisfied within the aforementioned period, the User will no longer have access to the Service and TID will issue a refund of the amount paid in the same means of payment used as soon as possible.

The aforementioned right of cancellation shall be waived when the contracted Service has been provided and performed by TID upon acceptance by the customer, or when the Service has been customized by TID at the request of the User.

9.   Privacy and personal data protection

9.1.   Processing of Users' personal data

TID respects the privacy of Users and undertakes to process their personal data in accordance with current legislation on privacy and personal data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation and any applicable implementing regulations (hereinafter, the "Applicable Data Protection Regulations").

The conditions of privacy and protection of personal data that apply to the processing of personal data of Users of the Applications are contained in the Privacy Policy of TID, available on its website, as well as on the website of each Service and in the Legal Center of the services of TU environment. TID's Privacy Policy forms an integral part of these General Conditions of Use and is accepted by the User together with these conditions when registering for any of the Applications.

9.2.   Use of cookies and similar technologies

The Applications may make use of cookies and similar technologies to enable their proper functioning and to collect information about Users' interactions and the way in which they use the Services and their Applications. If the User wishes to obtain more information about what cookies are, what types of cookies there are and how TID uses cookies, he/she can consult the Cookies Policy published on the web page of each Service, as well as in the Legal Center of the services in TU environment.

9.3.   Processing of personal data by TID in the name and on behalf of the Customer Company

If, as a consequence of the provision of the Services, TID, acting as data processor on behalf of the Business Customer, needs to access, collect or otherwise process personal data under the control of the Business Customer, it will do so following its instructions and in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations, in such role of data processor, carrying out the processing operations for the sole purpose of providing each of the Services contracted by the Business Customer, and in accordance with and to the extent of each Service set out in these General Conditions of Use.

To this end, TID and the Client Company agree to submit to the provisions of this clause, constituting the written agreement of data processor required by the Applicable Data Protection Regulations.

9.3.1.     Customer Instructions Company

TID will always comply, with the reasonable and documented instructions of the Client Company, which are considered part of the established contractual relationship, providing at all times sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures for this purpose. In particular

•    TID will only process personal data on the documented instructions of the Business Customer. The personal data to be processed shall be the sole property of the Business Customer.

•    Upon request, TID shall provide the Business Customer with its register of processing activities drawn up in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations.

•    TID will assist the Business Customer in fulfilling its obligation to respond to the exercise of the Data Subject's rights, as applicable, if any, under the Applicable Data Protection Regulations. When Stakeholders exercise the rights indicated above before TID, TID will inform the Business Customer as soon as possible upon receipt of the request, together with other information that may be relevant to resolve the request.

•    TID will assist the Business Customer in conducting data protection impact assessments in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations.

•    TID will assist the Business Customer in carrying out the prior consultations with the competent supervisory authority, which the Business Customer is obliged to carry out in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations.

•    TID will assist the Business Customer in connection with notifications and communications of a personal data security breach to supervisory authorities and data subjects, in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations.

•    Upon completion of the Services, TID shall, at the Company Client's option, delete or return to the Company Client all personal data and, if applicable, the media on which it is stored, in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations. TID shall comply with any request for deletion or return of personal data made by the Business Customer as soon as possible.

•    TID shall ensure the necessary training and awareness on personal data protection for persons authorized to process personal data. In particular, it shall ensure that its staff is aware of the security measures used by TID and how to implement them and how to respond to incidents related to security breaches.

•    TID shall ensure that the persons authorized within its organization to process personal data have undertaken to respect confidentiality and to comply with the corresponding security measures in terms equivalent to those set forth in this clause. These confidentiality obligations shall survive the termination of the Services.

9.3.2.    Technical and organizational security measures

TID will take the necessary technical and organizational measures in accordance with the Service Risk Analysis. In assessing the appropriate level of security, TID undertakes to take into account, in particular, the risks presented by the processing, in particular due to accidental or unlawful destruction, loss and alteration, and unauthorized disclosure or access, of personal data transmitted, retained or otherwise processed.

In any case, TID shall implement in each Service the security measures indicated in these General Conditions of Use, in the corresponding Service contracting order and/or in any other notices, regulations of use and technical instructions applicable to the Services.

9.3.3.    Sub-processors

The Business Customer generally authorizes TID to subcontract those subcontractors it deems necessary for the proper provision of the Services. These subcontractors shall be considered subcontractors for the processing of personal data under the responsibility of the Business Customer. Upon written request by the Business Customer, TID will provide an updated list of all categories of subcontractors involved in the provision of the Services.

The sub-processor hired by TID shall also be considered a data processor under the same terms as TID has this clause. In this regard, TID is obliged to enter into a data processing agreement or similar written contractual instrument with the sub-processor whereby the sub-processor undertakes to comply with obligations equivalent to those contained in this clause.

9.3.4.    International transfers of personal data

TID will use its best efforts to locate personal data processing activities in the European Economic Area or in countries with adequate level of data protection in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations.

In the event that the processing activity is carried out in a third country that has not been declared with an adequate level of data protection, TID shall incorporate or ensure the existence of guarantees that provide adequate protection in accordance with the Applicable Data Protection Regulations, such as Binding Corporate Rules, Certifications and Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the competent Authorities to that effect where appropriate and/or other additional or complementary measures to the above.

9.3.5.    Breach of personal data security

In the event of an incident that may involve a breach of security of personal data, TID will notify the Business Customer of such breach without undue delay.

TID will cooperate with the Client Company in the investigation and management, including and not limited to: assisting in any investigation, facilitating interviews with any TID personnel and others involved in the matter, making available all records, logs, files, data reports and other materials related to the data security breach.

TID will ensure that one of the security contacts is available to assist and support the Business Customer in connection with any breach of personal data security.

Upon becoming aware of the incident, TID will take the necessary measures to remedy the personal data security breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate the possible negative effects.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, TID will carry out as quickly as possible any instructions that the Customer Company may entrust to it with respect to any security breach notified to it.

9.3.6.    Audits

TID undertakes to make available to the Business Customer, within 30 calendar days of the request, all the information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations set forth in this clause.

In addition, TID shall allow and contribute to the performance of audits of its information systems by the Business Customer or another auditor authorized by the Business Customer. In any case, such audits may not exceed two (2) in a twelve (12) month period, unless there are justified reasons requiring a greater number of audits. The Business Customer shall notify TID in writing, at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance, of the intention to conduct an audit, as well as the date and duration thereof.

The cost of the audit shall be entirely borne by the Business Customer and its execution shall not substantially and/or adversely affect the ordinary course of business and services performed by TID, nor shall it include the review of confidential or otherwise protected information and documentation. TID may require either the Business Customer or any auditor authorized by the Business Customer to enter into a specific confidentiality agreement covering the intended audit activities.

10. Device permissions

To use any of the Services, its Applications or certain functionalities, and depending on the operating system of the terminal, it will be necessary for the User to previously authorize the specific Application to collect additional information about him/her or about information stored in his/her device. This authorization may be revoked or granted again at any time through the permissions section of the device itself.

In that sense, the Application may request authorization for different permissions, depending on the relevant functionality of the Service to be executed by the User and, among them, may request explicit permission for access through biometric identification (easy, iris or fingerprint), access to the device's address book, access to photos and other multimedia content, access to the device's microphone and camera/s, screen recording, etc.

11. Security

TID adopts the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the Services, applications and Users' personal data, and to prevent or avoid their alteration, loss, access or unauthorized processing, according to the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed.

TID shall adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures for each Service. In any case, TID shall implement the security measures indicated below:

•    Security Policy: TID complies with the Security Policy defined at TID Group level, which establishes the general provisions and guiding principles regarding Physical and Digital Security. Both the Security Policy and the corporate security regulations that develop it are based on the various applicable legislative requirements, as well as the premises and controls defined in the main international security standards (e.g. ISO 27002, NIST, etc.).

•    Security Governance Model: Security Planning and Management is articulated through a TID Group Governance Model that defines and materializes the necessary roles, functions and responsibilities.

•    Security awareness and training: Internal awareness and training program to disseminate the basic principles of action and security procedures, in order to ensure regulatory and legal compliance by employees.

•    Security incident management and response procedure: TID has an incident management process and a response team (CSIRT), which are part of its Information Security Management System (ISMS), through which it covers the complete life cycle of security incidents, from registration to resolution, including analysis and diagnosis, classification, immediate response, notification and forensic.

12. Intellectual and industrial property.

TID has all necessary rights, licenses and clearances to the Services, the Applications and their contents, including, without limitation, the design, interface, source code, algorithms, trademarks, logos, text, images, videos, audios, graphics and icons.

The User acknowledges and respects these rights and refrains from any act that may violate them, such as copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, publicly communicating, transforming, transferring, renting, lending, sublicensing or exploiting in any way the Service, the Applications or their contents, without the prior written consent of TID.


Although the User shall retain all rights to the content generated or sent through the Services and the Applications, the User grants TID a non-exclusive, worldwide license, , limited to the time the User's account is active and/or when the User decides to delete them in order to reproduce them and adapt them to the technical needs of the Services and the Applications.

The Business Customer grants TID a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use its trademark, trade name and logo (hereinafter the "Trademark") for the sole purpose of promoting the Services provided to the Business Customer. This authorization to use the Trademark is strictly limited to the duration of the contracted Services and does not grant TID any ownership rights in the Trademark. TID agrees to use the Trademark in a diligent and respectful manner, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Business Customer. Any other use of the Trademark shall require the prior written consent of the Business Customer.

13. Assignment

TID may assign these General Terms of Use and, if applicable, any other terms that TID may make available to the User, without the User's prior consent or agreement, to any third party that acquires all or part of the Services or the business constituting the same.

The User may not transfer or assign the rights and obligations it has assumed vis-à-vis TID under these General Terms of Use, nor the rights and licenses granted by TID to the User under them, without the prior express consent of TID.

14. Modification

TID reserves the right to modify these General Terms of Use at any time, whenever it deems necessary or convenient for legal, technical or commercial reasons or for strategic decisions. In this case, the User will be notified in a timely manner, by means of a communication sent to the contact address provided by the User or by means of publication on the TID website, in the different Applications of the Services and/or in the Legal Center of the TU environment services. The modifications shall enter into force from the moment of their publication.

The User should periodically review these General Conditions of Use to be aware of any changes. If the User continues to use the Service after the modification of the General Conditions of Use, it will be understood that he/she accepts the new General Conditions of Use. If the User does not agree with the new General Conditions of Use, he/she must stop using the Service.

15. Various

In the event that any of the clauses (or any part thereof) of these General Conditions of Use is declared contrary to equity or law and invalidated by a judicial body or other competent authority, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining clauses, which shall remain in full force and effect.

These General Conditions of Use and all documentation to which they refer constitute the entire agreement and commitment between the User and TID with respect to the subject matter hereof.

The failure of TID to exercise any right or provision of these Terms of Use shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

All clauses which, by their nature, should survive termination of the General Conditions of Use shall continue in full force and effect after any termination of these General Conditions by TID or the USER. Termination shall not limit TID's statutory rights.

16. Contact, suggestions and complaints

Users may contact TID's customer service through the usual customer service channels made available by TID and, in any case, may contact TID in relation to the Services through an email sent to . However, within each Application, the User may contact TID for any support issue and send us any incidents, complaints and claims you may have about the Service and/or the Application.

The answers offered through this service will only be related to the User's account from which the query is made and may be limited based on criteria such as, for example, the User's profile.

All suggestions and comments made by the User may be taken into account, implemented and/or adapted by TID without giving rise to any rights in favor of the User.

Additionally, the User is informed that, in the event that he/she considers that his/her rights as a consumer have been violated, he/she may resort to the European Union's online dispute resolution platform, file a complaint with the competent consumer authorities, request a consumer arbitration, or go to the ordinary courts of justice.

17. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The User understands and accepts that Spanish law shall apply to these General Conditions of Use. 

Any dispute that may arise from the interpretation of these General Conditions of Use shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, in accordance with the provisions of current Spanish legislation and expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to , unless any other imperative applies, and without prejudice to the dispute resolution mechanisms available under the applicable regulations of consumers and users.