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Tips on how to avoid online Christmas shopping scams

December 19, 2024
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Christmas is a magical time when the lights shine brighter than last minute gift ideas. Everyone has been caught off guard and left everything to the last minute. It’s the perfect time to get together with the family, share laughter, stories, and the odd bit of Christmas gossip. While we all know that it’s all about being together, no one can deny the excitement of seeing the presents under the tree.
Of course, no one wants a Christmas without that touch of magic wrapped in shiny paper. Nowadays, buying Christmas presents has become a click sport which is convenient, fast and without the danger of fighting for the last toy in the shop. Instead, doing it from the sofa, in our pyjamas and with a hot chocolate in hand, we enthusiastically fill our baskets. However, this convenience also has its risks. Between dubious sites and offers that seem too good to be true, one careless click could turn the magic of gift-giving into a horror story.

How to avoid Christmas scams

At Christmas, online scams disguise themselves particularly well, taking advantage of the holiday spirit. From “must-have” offers that seem like a gift from heaven, but end up draining your account, to fake shops that promise that impossible-to-get toy… Then there are the emails with “exclusive” coupons or prize draws that want to steal your data or the dreaded phishing which simulates a page that is actually fake.

Buy from reliable sites

Stick to well-known shops or check that the website starts with “https:// (it means that it follows the necessary protocols) and that there is a little padlock in the address bar. If not, you are right to stay away.

Be wary of offers that are too good

If a price seems more like a Christmas miracle to you, it’s probably a scam. Nobody sells a PlayStation 5 for $50, even with all the Christmas spirit in the world…

Avoid public network connections when buying

If you want to avoid giving gifts to cybercriminals, don’t connect to public WiFi networks, use your private connection.

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Use secure payment methods

To avoid fraud when shopping online, it is best to choose to pay with credit cards or services such as PayPal. This gives you more protection and security in case of suspicious charges.

Review opinions and policies

If you’ve never heard of the shop, look for reviews and check the policies on returns and customer service.

Beware of suspicious emails and messages

Don’t click on “exclusive offer” links that land in your email inbox or WhatsApp chats, especially if they ask for personal or bank details.

TU Latch: the best gift

All this becomes especially easy with Latch by your side. A platform that has authorisation controls that allow you to block and unblock access to your digital accounts and profiles as you wish. In addition, Secure browsing copilot is a feature that allows you to surf the Internet by verifying the authenticity of every website you click on, blocking the path and alerting you in case of suspicious activity. So you can browse with complete peace of mind from your PC even when you are connected to public WiFi. From your mobile, Latch will monitor all your browsing in real time to protect you.
In the case of Christmas shopping, Latch protects you at all times, from the moment you start looking for possible gifts online, until you are already at the payment gateway with your card in your hand. In the first case, Safe browsing copilot accompanies you to get you on the right track. And in the second, if you have closed controls on, for example, your bank’s application, Latch will ask you to authorise the purchase to make sure you are clear.
Download the Latch app and sign up for Safe browsing copilot to say goodbye to scams this Christmas.
Graduada en el Doble Grado de Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial y Desarrollo de Producto + Ingeniería Mecánica. Soy una persona muy organizada, pero con una mente muy creativa. Trabajo en el equipo de Product Marketing CDO en Telefónica Innovación Digital aprendiendo todo lo que puedo.

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