Do you review and clean the metadata of all your files before sharing them? With Metashield, analyze, filter and treat the metadata of your company's documents and share them securely.
How Metashield works
Centralized management of metadata for corporate documents
Metashield for companies
We offer you a comprehensive and preventive solution against the leakage of sensitive information.
Eliminate the risk of leaking hidden and sensitive information about your organisation's files with a single desktop app. Convenient. Process metadata in one click from your PC. Centrally manage your metadata policies. Simple. Easily integrate it into your Windows context menu. Scalable. Deploy the desktop app on a desktop-by-desktop basis or in bulk for your entire organisation. Control and manage the metadata of the digital files you store and send. Customisable. Treat each file as you need without altering the original document. Fast. Handles metadata for multiple files simultaneously. In addition, it complies with metadata management regulations (ISO, GDPR, ENS...) and protects the image and reputation of your organisation.
Eliminate the risk of leaking hidden and sensitive information about your organisation's files with a single desktop app. Convenient. Process metadata in one click from your PC. Centrally manage your metadata policies. Simple. Easily integrate it into your Windows context menu. Scalable. Deploy the desktop app on a desktop-by-desktop basis or in bulk for your entire organisation. Control and manage the metadata of the digital files you store and send. Customisable. Treat each file as you need without altering the original document. Fast. Handles metadata for multiple files simultaneously. In addition, it complies with metadata management regulations (ISO, GDPR, ENS...) and protects the image and reputation of your organisation.
Use cases
When providing services to a public company, we must ensure that the information is protected to avoid possible leaks of confidential data, both in the bidding process and during the service provision period.
All public administrations must comply with security policies that involve the cleaning of documents and all additional information contained in hidden fields (metadata, comments or previous revisions).
In a judicial process, information is power. Any leak or leakage of information can prejudice the final judgment of a trial and, therefore, affect the resolution of the trial or any of the parties involved.
Education, Healthcare, Finance, Ecommerce, Research Centers and Laboratories, News Agencies and Construction Companies.
Try Metashield Clean-Up Online for free
Discover the metadata hidden in your files. Access Metashield Clean-up Online from your browser and try this tool now for free. You will be able to know the complete map of hidden metadata in your files to avoid leaks of private information.