Soy redactora publicitaria especialista en redacción para la web con más de 15 años de experiencia. Me gusta escribir desde la perspectiva de la usabilidad, el SEO y la conversión.
How to apply cyber resilience to deal with cyber attacks
Cyber resilience is a term that is gaining popularity in media, regulations and business goals. Despite this, many people are unaware of its true meaning and scope. During the second half of 2023, Spain experienced a significant increase in cyberattacks, ranking as the most affected European country and third globally, behind only Japan and the ...
How you can protect your online privacy
Technology has become an extension of ourselves, allowing us to be constantly connected and share information at an unprecedented rate. Despite its benefits, this permanent interconnectedness poses new challenges, especially when it comes to the online privacy of our data. In today’s digital age, the amount of personal data we share online is extensive. From ...
Will 6G be available in 2024? Impact on augmented reality, IoT and more
The hype around 6G technology is growing due to its potential impact in areas such as augmented reality. However, no significant commercial 6G developments are expected by 2024 in the commercial arena. It is likely that 6G technology will not be widely available to consumers for several more years. Experts say that mass, commercial adoption ...
Top 5 tools to create AI videos from texts
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we conceive and create audiovisual content. An example of this are the tools that make it possible to create a video with AI from text, without the need for cameras or actors, a technique that is opening new horizons in terms of creativity and productivity. Video is ...