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Why you shouldn’t repeat passwords across different digital identities 

September 18, 2024
repeat password
Today, most of our daily interactions are conducted through digital platforms. From access to social media, bank accounts or online shopping, to work applications and cloud storage. Whether for professional management or to kill time on TikTok, we need to create a digital profile in different media. This means that one person can manage dozens of online accounts. 
However, despite warnings and awareness of the dangers of using the Internet, users still fall into one of the most common and dangerous mistakes: repeating the same password on different platforms. This makes it easy for a successful attack on a specific platform to compromise access to several others. With cyber-attacks on society on the rise, privacy and profile protection are more vulnerable than ever.  
repeat password
To prevent such breaches and cyber-attacks, technologies such as time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs) have become indispensable to protect our accounts. TU Latch with its focus on security, offers a solution to minimise the risk of cyber-attacks and password theft. This app offers an extra layer of security, guaranteeing more secure access and reinforcing digital identity

What are the risks of repeating passwords? 

Reusing passwords on different accounts is equivalent to using the same key to open all the doors in your house, your car and your office. If that key falls into the wrong hands, all your property is exposed. As we have seen, in the digital world, where different accounts are managed online, if one password is breached, any other account using the same password is at risk. A domino effect with major consequences for the personal and professional environment.  
It is not enough just to avoid typical passwords with birthdays, numerical sequences or other weak security. Even if you have a robust one, combining uppercase and lowercase letters with numbers also puts you at risk.  

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Mass cyber-security attacks, such as database leaks, are becoming more frequent. When cybercriminals obtain a password, they often use it to try to access other accounts with the same password. This is known as Credential Stuffing, which mainly targets users who, mainly for convenience, repeat the same passwords. And you, do you reuse any passwords? 
One of the best ways to prevent your digital identity from being compromised is to stop relying solely on static passwords. This is where TOTP and HOTP technologies come into play. They are unique, temporary passwords that change and add an extra layer of security to the authentication process. Unlike traditional passwords, which can be stolen or guessed, TOTPs are only valid for a short period of time and are synchronised with your device. This makes it extremely difficult for an attacker to intercept or use such a password, as they would need access to the generated code in real time. These codes can be viewed directly from verification applications such as Latch

How to improve your privacy with Latch? 

Latch is a second factor authorisation (2FAuth) solution that includes several key capabilities for identity security management in the corporate and personal environment, such as: latches for 2FAuth, TOTP codes for 2FA, Secure browsing copilot and Latch Web3 as well as administration tools to bring an extra layer of security to all online applications and services.  
The app allows you to manage multiple accounts from different services such as Instagram, Amazon or Gmail and protect them against unauthorised access. When using it, even if one of your passwords is leaked in a security breach, it will automatically ask for the temporary access code displayed by the app, preventing unauthorised access. In addition, if someone tries to access your profiles, you will be notified immediately.  
As you can see, we are increasingly exposed to cyber threats, and in addition to not repeating passwords, authentication applications such as Latch are a tool to prevent scams, fraud and identity theft. 
Graduado en Comunicación Audiovisual y en un máster en Dirección de Marketing, interesado en la innovación y en cómo conectar las marcas con las personas. Madrileño con tintes pamplonicas y seguidor del Atlético de Madrid. Actualmente aprendo en el equipo de marketing de Telefónica Innovación Digital.

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